my mood is a little deborah cox with a lot of vivi green.
the sweet, smooth sounds of r&b soothe me in the night, calm me in the day. without otis redding, marvin gaye, lauryn hill, erykah badu, jill scott, vivian green, whitney, mariah, faith evans, deborah cox and artists like them, i couldn't get through this thing called life. i am so thankful for music because it helps me so much. i'm not up on new, hip music. i've listened to the same songs for the last 15 years. But, this music has become the soundtrack of my life and each track plays on periods when i was most sad or happy. songs like "We can't be friends" fill me with energy..the sounds of the music make my heart beat fast or my breathe calm down. i dont know what i'd do without alicia keys or john legend, whose last album really helped me through some hard times. i love r&b, i love the evolution of blues and jazz music, black artists have shaped my consciousness. i'm a white girl from south philly, molded by the musical talents of african american r&b singers. i'm a poet and a person who recognizes the soulful nature of r&b. Why? Because it has soothed my soul.
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