Thursday, May 21, 2009

All People are Created Equal

HATE is the lowest form of ignorance.
GAY MARRAIGE: The last great civil rights battle.

My thoughts: Gay, strait, bi, trangender, who cares...people are people and love is love. No government should dictate who is allowed to marry. There is no definition of marriage. It is not about Obama's approval - it is about a nation coming together for all it's people and not just some. It is about FREEDOM & EQUALITY - what this country was supposed to of been built on.

Then there are these bastards, the lowest of the low - those ignorant fools who believe gays should be denied the right to marry. Maybe it is fear, call it homophobia, many people hide behind the veil of religion in order to mask their hatred. My disgust with the black, Baptist communities who argue Racial Equality reins over Gay Rights have misunderstood the words of leaders from the past. There is a great sadness amongst the oppressed which should unite people instead of continue to marginazle or seperate them. The sadness that is the present state of human relations, be it racial, cultural, linguistic or sex, becomes our total state of existance. The deep seeded lies that have been fed to the American public regarding AIDS is only the surfance of the problem that is homophobia. America's obsession with female bisexuality is eating away at the minds of our young girls. And the fear that lies in the man who argues that Gays and Lesbians do not deserve equal rights is polluting our American way of free life.

Among the celebs who support gay marriage: Ellen DeGeneres, Brad Pitt, Melissa Etheridge, Steven Spielberg, Mary J. Blige, Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus!


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