there is something breathtakingly beautiful about this photograph of two Spanish pilgrams.
i love the world and all the colors it has to offer. the smell of fresh curry in india, or the feel of the ocean in south africa. i remember it all as if it were yesterday. fresh in my mind is the taste of iced tea in bombay. i look down as if the puerto rican soil will still lie under my feet. i allow the sun to shine over me, as i walk in the shadow of myself. swimming nude in malaysia under a bright moon with strangers, i never felt so free wrapped in memory. benches, people, the conversations long forgotten. walks to destinations, arrivals and departures. names lost and money lost, food eaten and fucks forgotten. the world - so vast, so enormous. i must not suffer in the heat of the ill - the path is forged, i must fall into the ground to roll forwar. Fore the future is filled with 20 questions of people, places and things and i dont want to play, i want to win before the game is over. the essence of a tree calls to me and says "lets go." i watch as the leaves fall to the ground, they whisp down the street as they collect in piles before the tall dark man with black bags comes and takes it all away. eyes see all. lips, mouth, tongue taste. i reach out my arm to touch, pull back and the world's in the palm of my hands. don't take it all away.