okay so this is very interesting
james reynolds' blog on china: in one post he writes about the dalai lama and relations btn tibet/china...the comments are unbelieable!
now, considering what reynolds and other have shed light on, read this article . if you read spanish, then read the article in el mundo here.
it is about how the reincarnated guru that the dalai lama picked has renounced his relationship to bhuddism...it is interesting b/c the chiense reputation in the west is very influenced by the dalai lama. yet, the chinese argue he is a "false prophet" and the dalai lama is nothing more than a media orchastrator and celebrity by which tibetans brainwash the west--basically. obviously there is a much deeper story to this then TO THINK can cover at the moment. but, for those interested in researcher, here is an alert: RESEARCH IT!
reynolds also noted in his blog entry:
If you were the Communist Party, you'd want a Dalai Lama of your own. That's exactly what the Party is trying out. It has its own alternative to the Dalai Lama - another English-speaking Tibetan monk who also preaches peace, but who insists that there is already freedom in Tibet.
This monk is 19-year-old Gyaltsen Norbu. In 1995, he was chosen by the Communist Party as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, second only to the Dalai Lama in the hierarchy of Tibetan Buddhism. (The boy chosen by the Dalai Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, was taken into custody by the Chinese authorities. He has not been seen in public since.)
One has to wonder what the relationship is btn Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and Osel Hita Torres. From an outsiders prospective with no knowledge it would seen Osel Hita Torres was never a guru to begin with. But, the deeper question remains: Is the Dalai Guru a guru? And is Bhuddism the spirital way of life?
Also, as with any news organization on which you wish to rely, examine the criticism--even if it is through wiki.
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