It is simple--Sushi is good for you and it tastes good, too.
It doesn't take a scientific journal to tell you our obesity rate is sky high..just take a walk down South St. in Philadelphia, or Broadway in NY, shit, go down South and then stop in the Midwest and try to tell me that McDonald's doesn't have a monopoly on the American people. We don't just have an oil addiction, America has a serious sugar dependency problem that needs to be realized.
My thoughts are this--America is a multi-cultural and multi-"racial (more on this word later)" nation WITHOUT an official language or religion. Our history is skewed, presented from the victors side, and Our politics are well, corrupted (lets be real). As a result we have a confused country. We do. How we take care of ourselves, health and diet for example, is so manipulated by media, environment and economics that we are out of shape (mind and body) Not only out of shape, but many of us sick, hungry, overworked, tired, lazy, and impatient--waiting on a hero for too long to count, so many baby boomers have already given up and Gen X & Y don't seem to know what to do with themselves. One has to wonder if this "free market society" hasn't gotten a big out of control. Do we have too many choices? I think the answer is clear--Yes we do.
The film Idiocracy sums up quite well where I feel this country is headed.
so ask yourself:
Who am I?
What company represents me, what company do I represent?
Who is controlling me?
So since my guess is your answer for all three is "I Don't know," lets all drink some Sake, have a little miso soup and indulge in some Sashimi. Why? Because it's good for you, that's why. Oh, and make sure you go to the best sushi restaurant in Philadelphia--Kisso at 4th and Race. Their sushi is displayed above thanks to an unknown eater who also enjoys Kisso and the Internet.
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